Mixteca offers Basic and Intermediate level English classes at our community center throughout the week. Some of our classes are provided by our partnerships, including the Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island and Mother to Mother.
Basic Level ESOL:
Students learn basic conversational and grammatical skills on many important day to day topics like: shopping, going to a restaurant, ordering food, going to the hospital, filling out forms, transportation, introductions, asking basic questions, simple answers, etc. Classes are taught by volunteer instructors.
Intermediate level ESOL:
Focus on reading, grammar, and conversational skills. Students in this class take a test previous to getting into the class in order to make sure that their proficiency is adequate for the class.
The Instituto Nacional para la Educación de los Adultos (INEA) provides our community with the opportunity to start, continue, and/or finish their elementary education (Primaria/Secundaria). Upon completion of the program students receive a certificate from Mexico’s Ministry of Education. Mixteca provides the courses on Saturdays. The courses are divided by subjects (math, science, Spanish literacy and electives) and are provided by volunteers. Each course comes with a curriculum and a final test is necessary in order to pass the class. There are 12 courses in total for Primaria (elementary level), and 12 for Secundaria (middle school). Each class lasts 3 hours.
Elementary School/Primaria
Basic Literacy (3 quarter-long courses for Spanish reading and writing, entry-level math)
Spanish Elementary School (2 quarter-length courses focusing on basic grammatical structures and reading comprehension)
Elementary School Math (3 quarter-length courses focused on addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and other math principals)
Elementary School Social Science (2 quarter-length courses focusing on an introduction to biology of the human body and environmental awareness and preservation)
Middle School/Secundaria
Middle School Study Group and/or Electives are available for students that are independently preparing for middle-school exams. Students have an opportunity to meet with fellow peers and a tutor to review questions.
Mixteca’s basic computer skill course teaches students about computer software and hardware basics, including how to type, how to organize and write documents, how to navigate the internet, and how to create an email account and how to use it. The course is provided by a volunteer instructor.