Join the Vecinos community and become a sustaining sponsor of Mixteca.
Start your monthly donation to Mixteca today.
Our neighbors drop by to leave or receive fresh produce at our community fridge, to ask for help applying to city programs, and to participate in one of our numerous classes. Whether you live near or far, you can partner with us to make sure our Latinx immigrant neighbors continue to receive a warm neighborly welcome every time they arrive at Mixteca.
Vecino means neighbor.
We believe immigrants possess incredible potential that is only realized when we actively address risk factors in our community like poverty, limited educational resources, lack of legal advocacy, and unequal access to culturally inspired socio-emotional support and mental health counseling.
Vecinos empower their community.
Our long-running programs include:
Adult Education: To offer English, literacy, and computer classes and to increase our community’s income generation capacity and financial literacy through skills-based training.
Mental Health: To provide our community, including newly arrived immigrants, with group and individual counseling available for community members that have experienced immigration trauma.
Health and Wellness: To provide culturally informed services that promote public health through educational programs and preventative efforts.
Immigration & Advocacy: To develop leadership skills and community organizing strategies as we advocate for immigrant justice.
Your monthly gift supports Mixteca.
Mixteca has passionately served the Latinx population in Sunset Park since 2000, and our community of neighbors is growing! We have watched our actions have powerful ripple effects that transcend a single neighborhood. Our community has the potential to effect positive change throughout Brooklyn, New York City, and beyond. But we can’t do it without you.
To our Vecinos near and far, welcome to the neighborhood. We’re so glad you’re here.
Welcome to the neighborhood.